Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design (FARM)

September 6, 2014, co-located with ICFP
2014 in Gothenburg, Sweden
The ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music,
Modelling and Design (FARM) gathers together people who are harnessing
functional techniques in the pursuit of creativity and expression.
Functional Programming has emerged as a mainstream software
development paradigm, and its artistic and creative use is booming. A
growing number of software toolkits, frameworks and environments for
art, music and design now employ functional programming languages and
techniques. FARM is a forum for exploration and critical evaluation of
these developments, for example to consider potential benefits of
greater consistency, tersity, and closer mapping to a problem domain.
HD videos are available in the FARM 2014 YouTube
Program and Schedule
09:00-09:10: Welcome from the chairs
09:10-10:00 (Session 1, Chair: Alex McLean)
- LiveCodeLab 2.0 and its language LiveCodeLang.
Della Casa, LiveCodeLab; Guy John,
LiveCodeLab. paper slides video
- Scripthica: a web environment for collective algorithmic
composition. (demo)
Gabriel Sanchez, New York
University. abstract slides video
10:00-10:30: Break
10:30-11:20 (Session 2, Chair: David Duke)
- Functional Generation of Harmony and Melody.
José Pedro
Magalhães, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford;
Hendrik Vincent Koops, Department of Information and Computing
Sciences, Utrecht
University. paper slides video
- Using Haskell as DSL for controlling immersive media
experiences. (demo)
Henrik Bäärnhielm, Integral Systems
Engineering; Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson, KTH Royal Institute of
Technology; Daniel Sundström, Integral Systems
Engineering. abstract slides video
11:20-11:40: Break
11:40-12:30 (Session 3, Chair: Paul Hudak)
- Exploring melody space in a live context using declarative
functional programming.
Thomas Kristensen, uSwitch
Ltd. paper slides video
- Music Suite: A Family of Musical Representations. (demo)
Höglund. abstract slides video
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:50 (Session 4, Chair: David Janin)
- Temporal semantics for a live coding language.
Sam Aaron,
Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge; Dominic Orchard,
Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge; Alan Blackwell,
Computer Laboratory, University of
Cambridge. paper slides video
- Sound and Soundness – Practical Total Functional Data-Flow
Programming. (demo)
Baltasar Trancón Y Widemann, TU Ilmenau; Markus
Lepper, semantics GmbH. abstract slides video
14:50-15:10 Break
15:10-16:00 (Session 5, Chair: Sam Aaron)
- Tiled Polymorphic Temporal Media.
Paul Hudak, Yale
University; David Janin, LaBRI, Université de
Bordeaux. paper slides video
- littleBits Synth Kit as a livecoded, functional, monadic,
physically-embodied, domain specific programming language. (demo)
Noble, Victoria University of Wellington; Timothy Jones, Victoria
University of
Wellington. abstract slides video
16:00-16:30 Break
16:30-17:20 (Session 6, Chair: Henrik Nilsson)
- Making programming languages to dance to: Live Coding with Tidal.
Alex McLean, School of Music, University of
Leeds. paper slides video
- Patterning: Repetitive and recursive pattern generation using
Clojure and Quil. (demo)
Phil Jones, Alchemy
Islands. abstract video
17:20-17:30 Closing Words
On the evening of September 6 (after the workshop) we had an
evening of live performances at 3:e Våningen (3rd floor), in collaboration with
Anders Carlsson aka goto80 and
starting at 8PM.
The evening featured:
Call for Papers and Demo Proposals
The call for papers and demo proposals (expired) is here.
Workshop Organisation
Workshop Chair: Alex
McLean, School of Music, University of Leeds
Program Chair: Henrik Nilsson, University of Nottingham
Publicity Chair: Michael Sperber, Active Group GmbH