Demo: Vivid

Tom Murphy

FARM 2017

So what is it?

This talk

Why SuperCollider?: The Snarky Answer

Why SuperCollider?: The Real Answer

But it is a spec...

Enough talk!: A synth

(Thanks, Rohan!)


Let's start simple

play $ 0.1 ~* sinOsc (freq_ 440)

sinOsc represents a binary that's run by the server

play $

:set -XDataKinds

>  :i sinOsc
sinOsc :: Args '["freq"] '["phase"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal

All valid:

sinOsc (freq_ 440)
sinOsc (freq_ 440, phase_ 1)
sinOsc (phase_ 1, freq_ 440)

Not valid:

sinOsc (phase_ 1)

Goal: "Morally equivalent"

(freq_ 440, phase_ 1)
HCons (ua 440 :: UA "freq") (HCons (ua 1 :: UA "phase") HNil)

(Note: HNil isn't too elegant!)

UGen arguments

type family Args (required :: [Symbol])
                 (optional :: [Symbol])
            :: Constraint where
   Args required optional args =
      ( Subset required (UAsArgs args)
      , Subset (UAsArgs args) (SetUnion required optional)
      , FromUA args

But that means

So does:

sinOsc (freq_ 440, phase_ 1)


sinOsc :: Args '["freq"] '["phase"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal

...mean there's a big file like:

freq_ :: ToSig s as => s -> UA "freq" as
phase_ :: ToSig s as => s -> UA "phase" as
-- etc...


(UA == UGen argument)

Yes, it does!

Here's why.


Any kind of sum type on the args...

data Arg =
   | Phase
   | -- ... out because the set of arguments is an open set

Not only is it possible to write new UGens We want to encourage it!


One record per UGen...

data SinOsc = SinOsc
     freq :: x
   , phase :: x

...are out at least until -XOverloadedRecordFields is finished

(And also because of SDBody problem we'll see later)

Also downside: typing

{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}

Record variants

data UGen =
     SinOsc { freq = x, phase = x }
   | Foo { freq = x }

Two problems:

Why the '_'?

sinOsc (freq_ 440)

I feel the same way!

Name cluttering:


"An identifier consists of a letter followed by zero or more letters, digits, underscores, and single quotes." - Haskell 2010 Report

'_' part 2

Another contender:

sinOsc (freq'' 440, phase'' 1)

Why "freq_" at all?

foo 440 0.5 1.2 3.5 12

Boolean blindness

  setDoorLocks :: Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
  setDoorLocks letPeopleIn letDinosaursOut =

"Hmm, what order do they go in again?"

Float blindness

Can lead to actual deafness

someUGen 1 440

1 = freq 440 = amp

(Also :i!)

Constraints of livecoding

(0.75::Float) ~* sinOsc (freq_ (440::Float), phase_ (1::Float))


0.75 ~* sinOsc (freq_ 440, phase_ 1)

(We'll see this again later!)

length (L.nub "vivid") == 3

Succinctness Really Matters!


Example: "Synth def body"


These should behave differently

do let x = whiteNoise
   x ~- x
do x <- whiteNoise
   x ~- x

GHC -O2 vs -O0

Note also

sinOsc represents a binary that's run by the server

sinOsc (freq_ whiteNoise)
do w <- whiteNoise
   sinOsc (freq_ w)


SynthDef(\freq, {
   s = freq);, s)

An open set of addressable-by-string identifiers... Hmm...

Type-level strings again!

(V::V "amp")


V @"amp"

shorter version of

(Proxy::Proxy "amp")


x :: SynthDef '["freq"]
x = sd (440 ::I "freq") $ do
   s0 <- sinOsc (freq_ (V::V "freq"), phase_ 0.5)
   s1 <- 0.1 ~* s0
   out 0 [s1,s1]


synth ::
  (VividAction m, Subset (InnerVars params) args) =>
   SynthDef args -> params -> m (Synth args)
set ::
  (VividAction m, Subset (InnerVars params) sdArgs) =>
  Synth sdArgs -> params -> m ()

See it in action


class (Monad m , MonadIO m) => VividAction (m :: * -> *) where

   callOSC :: OSC -> m ()

   newNodeId :: m NodeId

   wait :: Real n => n -> m ()

   getTime :: m Timestamp

   fork :: m () -> m ()

   defineSD :: SynthDef a -> m ()

   -- And several others...


instance VividAction IO
instance VividAction Scheduled
instance VividAction NRT

A law

